Haruyo Horie – componiste Haruyo Horie (Composer) Ms. Horie began learning about music at the age of 5, studying piano with Taeko Asai. After attending Komaba Metropolitan High School (now known as Tokyo Metropolitan Fine Arts High School), she went on to graduate from the Composition Department at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Horie’s instructors include the late Tomojiro Ikenouchi, Yuzuru Shimaoka and Akira Miyoshi. While a high school student, she worked as a classic ballet lesson pianist, and upon entering university she began as a pianist at the Takarazuka Theater Troupe’s training center where she continued to work for eight years. She has also been a lesson pianist for jazz artist Sanae Mizushima, chanson singer Natsuyo Fukamidori and modern dancer Akiko Kanda. Horie has composed for piano, recorder and harpsichord, as well as for guitar, voice, violin, shinobue and biwa. Horie’s Katatsumuri Publishing has produced the Letter From Haruyo Horie CD series and published several collections of scores for her works. She performs as a pianist, and aside from composing, works also as a songwriter and essayist. 和文 堀江はるよ HARUYO HORIE(作曲) 5歳より、浅井多枝子氏の指導により、ピアノを通して音楽を学び始める。都立駒場高校(現・都立芸術高校)を経て、東京芸術大学作曲科卒業。故池内友次郎、島岡譲、三善晃の各氏に師事。高校在学中よりクラシックバレエの伴奏ピアニストを務め、更に大学在学中から卒業後にかけて8年間にわたり、宝塚歌劇団にて稽古場ピアニストおよび、ジャズの故水島早苗、シャンソンの故深緑夏代、モダンダンスのアキコ・カンダの各氏のレッスンピアニストを務める。 ピアノ、リコーダー、チェンバロ。ギター、歌、ヴァイオリン、篠笛、琵琶のために作曲。 かたつむり出版よりCD「ひらがなの手紙」シリーズおよび、楽譜集を出版 ピアノは演奏も。自作の作詞、エッセイも手がける。