Catskill Fortepiano Salon Online: Shuann Chai & Shunske Sato 29 september 20h

Gepubliceerd op: 29 september 2024

Vanavond organiseert Catskill Mountain in New York weer een Fortepiano Salon, dit keer samen met onze dierbare muzikale vrienden: fortepianst Shuann Chai en violist Shunske Sato


Streaming LIVE on Facebook and YouTube

29 September, 20h.: Shuann Chai & Shunske Sato,Recording Beethoven’s Sonatas for Piano and Violin on Period Instruments

Sunday, September 29, 2024 @ 2:00 pm EST

Shuann Chai and Shunske Sato, a dynamic fortepiano-violin duo, visit with us virtually to discuss the process of playing and recording the complete piano and violin Sonatas of Beethoven on period instruments. Both musicians are leaders in 18th and 19th century history performance, and are sought after as soloists, conductor and leaders in many established period orchestras and ensembles throughout Europe, Asia and the U.S.

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