ICOMOS Lezing: Public Monuments, Memory & Identity – a discussion across borders, Livecast 9 september 2020

Gepubliceerd op: 25 augustus 2020

De livecast ICOMOS lezing van 9 september gaat in op een wel heel actueel thema: hoe kijken wij aan tegen de recente beeldenstorm rond monumenten van historische figuren – eens als helden neergezet, maar die in het huidige racisme-debat symbool staan voor onderdrukking, slavernij en Westerse suprematie?


By the ICOMOS Lecture Committee Netherlands

We hope you are doing well. Considering the circumstances and experiences of our lecture evening in June, we decided to continue with our monthly lectures online. We hereby invite you to the upcoming lecture and discussion evening on 9 September. You can register by emailing lezingen@icomos.nl. Afterwards you will receive additional information to view the Livecast (via Zoom) for free. Please note that the event will be recorded, thus we ask you to let us know if you have any objections to being recorded. We hope you will join us digitally.

Kind regards,

Ardjuna Candotti, Daan Lavies, Jean Paul Corten, Job Pardoel, Maurits van Putten, Remco Vermeulen, Sofia Lovegrove & Thijs van Roon 

Public monuments, memory and identity: a discussion
across borders

Livecast on 9 September 2020

Many statues and monuments related to historical figures and events connected to the histories of colonialism have had an important role during the recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Statues have been toppled or defaced in different cities around the world, as a way of protesting, challenging and changing present-day narratives, perspectives about the past and commemorative traditions.
During this lecture, we aim to reflect on the role of statues and monuments in the public space in the context of contemporary identity politics in three European countries with long-lasting colonial histories: the Netherlands, the UK and Portugal. What function have statues and monuments served historically and continue to serve (or not) in our postcolonial present? What does it mean to destroy statues or to build new ones? Why have they taken on such an important role during the recent protests? To explore questions such as these, we have invited four speakers to engage in a conversation with each other, the moderators (Sofia Lovegrove and Remco Vermeulen) and the audience. We hope that by looking at different contexts together, and from the perspective of different disciplines, we can contribute to recent and ongoing discussions about these topics.


We are happy to announce the following confirmed speakers: Ann RigneyBruno Sena Martins and Rebecca Senior. More information about the confirmed and the remaining speakers will follow shortly.

The livecast will be English spoken

Register by emailing lezingen@icomos.nl.
