ICOMOS ONLINE: the Value of Public Participation for Heritage; the case of Peru & NL The Archeological site Huaca in San Miguel, Lima, Peru. (picture: Carlos Contreras) Gepubliceerd op: 11 januari 2022 Wie denkt aan Peru, denkt aan Machu Pichu, Inca’s ed. Weinigen denken aan de millennia oude, precolumbiaanse architectuurresten in Lima zelf, veelal veronachtzaamd en in deplorabele staat. Javier Lizarzaburu vertelt over het burgerinitiatief om de stadsgeschiedenis te herschrijven en die van de oorspronkelijke bevolking er ìn te schrijven. Michaela Hanssen belicht het Verdrag van FARO, initiatief van de Raad van Europa uit 2005: over het belang van cultureel erfgoed voor de samenleving, dat Nederland overweegt te ratificeren. De tijd is rijp!! Lima Milenaria: Getting it right The story of a citizens’ campaign to rewrite the official narrative of Lima (Peru), and the strategy to confront racism through heritage Archaeology seems to be Peru’s middle name. One image most people associate with the Andean country will very likely include Cusco, Machu Picchu and the Incas. However, little is known that the capital, Lima, is one of nine in the world with millennia-old architecture. Not even most limeños know about this, even though over 500 hundred pre-Columbian structures, the oldest going back some 4000 years, still exist today. This lack of awareness is explained by the fact that, through centuries, the indigenous memory and identity of Lima were erased in order to privilege the colonial and republican ones. In this talk, the creator of the Lima Milenaria campaign (2010-2020), Javier Lizarzaburu, will share some of the key ideas that led this crusade to rewrite the official narrative of the capital to include its indigenous past; how the pre-Hispanic legacy was reframed to strengthen social inclusion and the impact the campaign had on the city at large. FARO: The value of cultural heritage for societyIn 2005 the Council of Europe presented the Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. The government of the Netherlands now considers the ratification of the convention and the time seems more than right to do so. The convention asks to recognise the central role of people and human values in the process of defining and managing of cultural heritage. A broad and interdisciplinary definition of cultural heritage lies at the base of this principle. Heritage as a resource for human development, enhancement of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue: the Faro Convention is not only a game changer in the field of heritage, but also offers a way to use the great potential of heritage in societal challenges as for instance immigration, globalisation and climate change. LIMA 16 DE JUNIO DE 2011 RUINAS DE LA FORTALEZA DE CAMPOY PROFESOR ARTURO ALVAREZ ORGANIZA CON ALUMNOS EL INTI RAYMI FOTO: ROLLY REYNA / EL COMERCIO Date: Wednesday 12 January 2022Time: 7.30 PM – 9.00 PMZoomlink: Click on register now button below this e-mail.Meeting ID: 948 3348 1226Passcode: icomosNL11PROGRAMMERegistration: send an email to: lezingen@icomos.nlProgram: 19:30 Welcome and introduction: Daan Lavies and Maurits van Putten19:35 Javier Lizarzaburu: Lima Milenaria: Getting it right20:00 Short Q&A20:05 Break20:15 Michaela Hanssen: The value of cultural heritage for society20:35 Panel discussion and Q&A 21:00 End Lecturers: Left: Javier Lizarzaburuis a communications and heritage specialist originally from Peru.He is a former BBC Editor and Senior Producer and currently, he is concluding a master’s degree in Cultural Heritage and Urban Studies at the Vrije University in Amsterdam. Right: Michaela Hanssenworks at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE). She has a longstanding interest in issues of participatory governance, and has lead projects on topics such as the Ethics of Intervention in Built Heritage. She worked for many years in the area of public housing and community participation. Since 2015 she is member of the ICCROM Council, which she now serves as Vice President. REGISTRATION: Send an email to lezingen@icomos.nl The cover of the recently published magazine FARO, from treaty to practice. (picture: Paul Tolenaar)