Kayo Nishida – klarinet Kayo Nishida, born in Hiroshima (Japan), studied the chalumeaux and historical clarinet with Ernst Schlader at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen in Germany. Besides playing in orchestras such as Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, Oslo Baroque Orchestra, Bayerische Theaterakademie, Merseburger Hofmusik, Cammermusik Potsdam amongst many others in Europe. She performs chamber music with different ensembles in Europe in festivals such as the Fringe of the Utrecht Oude Muziek festival and International Young Artist’s Presentation. Currently she is studying the historical clarinet with Erich Hoeprich at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Geelvinck Salon: On Sunday 7 September, Kayo Nishida performs in a quintet with wind instruments and fortepiano, in the recital: Onderweg naar Mozart.