‘Women in South America’: Fortepiano Salon, Catskill Mountain, 9 March, 20h CET Gepubliceerd op: 3 maart 2025 Online Catskill Mountain Fortepiano Salon, ‘Women in South America’, 9 maart, 20h In het kader van de ‘Women’s History Month’ en International Women’s Day, richt multimediaal Cultuurcentrum Catskill Mountain / NY de focus op vrouwelijke musici en componisten in Zuid Amerika. In de online Catskill Fortepiano Salon van 9 maart treedt barokvioliste Karin Cuéllar Rendón op, tevens president of Early Music America. Tune in om 20h! Sunday March 9th at 2 pm EST Women in South America with Karin Cuéllar Rendón, baroque violinist, president of Early Music America and your hosts Patricia Garcia Gil, Maria Rose, Yi-heng Yang In this episode of the Fortepiano Salon celebrating Women’s History Month, Bolivian violinist and researcher Karin Cuellar Rendon introduces us to pianist-composers who revolutionized music in South America: Brazilian Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935), Bolivian Modesta Sanjines (1832-1883) and Venezuelan Teresa Careño (1853-1917). Join us in a conversation about the intersection of music and politics in 19th century nation building efforts by these brilliant composers. Register for the International Fortepiano Salon on 9 March 2025 Karin A. Cuellar Rendon is a Bolivian historical violinist and scholar currently residing in Montreal, Canada. Cuellar performs regularly with Montreal-based period ensembles such as Ensemble Caprice, Arion, Les Boreades, and L’Harmonie des Saison. Past collaborations have included Orchestra of the Age of the Enlightenment, Florilegium, Oxford Bach Soloists, Ex Cathedra, American Bach Soloists, Apollo’s Fire, ARTEK, and the National Symphony Orchestra of Bolivia. She is the founder of the Ximenez Quartet and was recently appointed artistic director of the International Baroque Music Festival “Misiones de Chiquitos,” in Bolivia. As an advocate for inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in early music, she serves as co-chair of Early Music America’s IDEA Task Force and serves as artistic director of ClassiqueInclusif, and initiative of Ensemble Caprice that won the 2024 Prix OPUS Montreal Inclusion et diversité. Cuellar earned a Master of Arts degree in Historical Performance from Case Western Reserve University under the guidance of Julie Andrijeski and Ross Duffin and obtained an Advanced Diploma on baroque violin from the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she studied with Maggie Faultless, Rachel Podger, and Matthew Truscott as a beneficiary of the San Marino and Vincent Meyer scholarships. Cuellar is currently pursuing a PhD in Musicology at McGill University supported by the Fond de Recherche du Quebec with a research focus on performance practices in South America in the first half of the nineteenth century, using as a case study the music of Peruvian composer Pedro Ximenez Abrill Tirado (1784-1856). Link to Catskill Mountain Foundation YouTube channel In case you can’t attend the livestream, this upcoming episode and all past Salons are always available on the Catskill Mountain Foundation YouTube channel to view at your leisure (click on button above). Enjoy!International Fortepiano SalonPatricia, Yi-heng, Maria, your hosts The Catskill Mountain Foundation The Catskill Mountain Foundation was founded in 1998 as a not for profit to bring arts performances to all members of our community of the Great Northern Catskills, New York. Our programming has been growing ever since, and now includes virtual programming on this channel: everything from performances for kids, to dance performances, to classical music performances. Catskill Mountain & Museum Geelvinck Al enige jaren onderhouden de culturele instelling Catskill Mountain, gelegen in de schilderachtige Appalachean Mountains in New York State, en Museum Geelvinck een warme relatie, die al enige malen heeft geleid tot een samenwerkingsproject op het gebied van de Fortepiano. Onze beide instellingen beheren een niet onaanzienlijke collectie historische piano’s, die regelmatig bespeeld worden. Zowel de International Fortepiano Salon van Catskill Mountain als de Geelvinck Salon programmeren concertuitvoeringen, waarbij muzikale virtuositeit en kennisverbreding van de fortepiano hoog in het vaandel staan. Catskill program director Yi-heng Yang heeft op het eerste Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival in 2011 de Eerste Prijs gewonnen.