CONCIERTO SEIS PER OCHO 24 mrt 2024, 17.00 Pianola Museum, Amsterdam CONCIERTO SEIS PER OCHO Nino Zannoni (voice) Sergio Cabrera (guitar), Pablo Bentos (acordeón) This trio of three great musicians with different musical backgrounds manages to merge a range of experiments and sensations influenced by each of their origins. Especially Nino, who was born in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, brings a fresh air with his compositions, while Pablo and Sergio, who come from the heart of Corrientes deeply rooted in chamamé, achieve a very pleasant result to the ears. This is where their name 6/8 or “seis por ocho” derives from, which is how “Chamamé” is written in musical notation. In simplicista, a unique function where different cultures and musical experiences come together to encapsulate the ruggedness and delicacy of Argentine music, specifically chamamé. Toegang 16,50 Reserveren: Locatie Pianola MuseumWesterstraat 1061015 MN Amsterdam Meer informatie 24 mrt 2024, 17.00 Pianola Museum, Amsterdam Deel met vrienden: Share on WhatsApp Share on Email Share on SMS Overzicht