Liubov Titarenko: Klavecimbelmuziek uit Oekraïne, 22 mei 16.45h. , in Luther Museum Amsterdam

22 mei 2022, 16.45
Luther Museum, Amsterdam
Liubov Titarenko - Harpsichord & Fortepiano

Liubov Titarenko is een Oekraiense klaveciniste, die onlangs uit Oekraine is gevlucht, en nu tijdelijk onderdak heeft gevonden in Nederland. Door bemiddeling van klaveciniste en fortepianiste Olga Pashchenko heeft Museum Geelvinck enkele concerten voor haar kunnen organiseren, waarvan de opbrengst geheel aan haar ten goede komt. Met het beeldmerk van h Art for Ukraine schaart Museum Geelvinck zich achter de veroordeling van de door het Putin regime geïnitieerde oorlog in Oekraïne en ondersteunt acties om de nood onder vluchtelingen en met name musici uit de regio te lenigen.

Dit project wordt uitgevoerd in samenwerking met St. DMR en wordt financieel mogelijk gemaakt met steun van St. vanWellvanderSnoek.

Klavecimbel: Klinkhamer Amsterdam, naar Labreche 1690, bruikleen van Anton Amir, Klinkhamer Harpsichord & Fortepianos, Lauriergracht 78A, 1016 RM Amsterdam  06-13131001 The harpsichord is based on an instrument built by Claude Labreche, Carpentras 1690, the original is in the collection of the ‘Landesmuseum für Kunst und Gewerbe’, Stuttgart, Germany. Extended key range to five octaves: FF-f”’,  two eight foot registers, one four foot register and a lute stop. Pitch transposable a=392-415-440, case in solid walnut. The sound is not like that of typical late 18th century French harpsichords, but has a bit more sharpness and articulation; because of the transparancy of it’s character it is very suitable for a wide range of the harpsichord repertoir.

Het klavecimbel wordt kosteloos door Anton Amir voor dit goede doel ter beschikking gesteld!


Program ‘Keyboard Forever’:

Liubov writes:
Harpsichord is one of the most famous baroque keyboard instrument. Its sound attracts listeners but also contemporary composers. In concert “Keyboard forever” you will listen to Italian, French and Ukrainian harpsichord pieces of XVII-XVIII c.c. and Dutch harpsichord music of XX and XXI c.c.

L. Marchand (1669-1732)
Prélude and Chaconne from Suite 1 en ré mineur

G. Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Cento partite sopra passacaglia from Toccate e partite d’intavolatura, Libro primo

Suite « Galaganivsky vertep » (1770)

Dmytro Bortniansky (1751-1825)
Sonata B-dur

Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
Premier concert from “Pieces de clavecin en concert” (arr. Z. Rampe). 

Roderik de Man (1941*)
Three minutes: I. Fancy II Prélude non mesuré III Lesson (1991)

Hawar Tawfiq (1982*)
Exigeant (2019)

About the composers Joseph Anton Steffan & Dmytro Bortniansky

Joseph Anton Steffan (1726-1797) was a Bohemian-Austrian classical era composer, harpsichordist and a teacher. Steffan’s compositional output includes sacred works and chamber music (especially piano music). In particular he wrote caprices, harpsichord sonatas and concertos. Steffan was a major figure in the development of the Classical style. His keyboard works, including concertos and sonatas, reveal him as a worthy compatriotof Haydn and Mozart. He was the first to pubi, lieder collections in Vienna.

Dmytro Bortniansky (1751-1825) was a prominent composer and conductor. In his choral liturgical works Bortniansky combined the age-old traditions of Ukrainian choral music with the achievements of late 18th-century European music. The influence of melodies of Ukrainian folk songs is clearly discernible in these works. Concentrating exclusively on the purely vocal a capella style, Bortniansky achieved a high level of technical proficiency in his sacred music, simultaneously imbuing it with a deep spiritual mood. While Bortniansky’s operas and instrumental works remained popular only among small circles of music lovers, his choral works contributed to the spread and elevation of choral art in Ukraine. Bortniansky’s works had a special significance for Wester Ukraine, where they stimulated the rebirth of a national musical life in the early 19th century.

Liubov Titarenko harpsichord

Liubov Titarenko was born in Dnipropetrovsk in 1986. In 2010 she graduated as Master of Art from the Piano Department of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine in Kiev as a student of Honoured Artist of Ukraine Alexander Lysokon. She studied harpsichord playing between 2010 and 2013 as a postgraduate at the Early Music Department at NMAU with Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine, professor Svitlana Shabaltina. Liubov participated in courses with Alexei Liubimov, Christopher Stembridge, Andreas Staier, Aline Zylberajch-Gester, Jean Rondeau, Patrick Ayrton and Richard Egarr. She received the “Extraordinary Music Talent Award” from Austria Barock Akademie in Gmunden (Austria) in 2012. In 2015 she won the First Prize in “Harpsichord Solo Playing” and Grand Prix in “Solo with Orchestra” at III Wanda Landowska International Harpsichord Competition (Ruvo di Puglia, Italy). In 2016 Liubov won the First Prize at XVII Torneo Internazionale di Musica in Torino. In 2019 she received the First Prize at I Ukrainian harpsichord competition “The Voice of the Country” (Kiev, Ukraine). In 2020 Liubov won the First Prize at XX International competition-festival “Music without limits” (on-line, Lithuania).Liubov gives concerts as a soloist all over Ukraine. She also collaborates with Chamber Orchestra of National Philharmony of Ukraine, Chamber Orchestra of National Musical Academy of Ukraine and orchestra “Grand Accordion” (conductor – People’s Artist of Ukraine Eugenia Cherkazova). In 2017 and 2018 Liubov played recitals at Fringe OudeMuziekFestival (Utrecht, Netherlands). In November 2018 together with Svitlana Shabaltina she was invited to play the concert-lecture at Ankara State Conservatory (Ankara, Turkey). Liubov is interested in English Elizabethan keyboard music and completed her Ph.D. on Fitzwilliam Virginal book and the style of English keyboard music of that period.

Liubov Titarenko

Harpsichord Tradition in Ukraine
Liubov explains about the popularity of playing harpsichord in Ukraine: 

“Harpsichord class in Tchaikovski National Music Academy of Ukraine in Kyiv was opened in 1995. It was started by famous Ukrainian pianist and harpsichordist Svitlana Shabaltina, who is the head of harpsichord class. In 2000 Early Music department was opened at the conservatory, and harpsichord class became an important part of it. Since 1995 Svitlana has taught many wonderful harpsichordists, many of them started teaching harpsichord in other music institutions in Kyiv. Later harpsichord lessons were started also in Dnipro conservatory and Lysenko National Music Academy in Lviv.

Harpsichord is very popular among students of Kyiv music academy: pianists, mysicologists,accordionists, composers choose complimentary harpsichord lessons at their first year and often decide to continue with harpsichord as second instrument. There is beautiful copy of French double-manual harpsichord from Italian famous harpsichord-maker Guido Bizzi at the academy. There are also wonderful copies of French, Flemish and Italian harpsichords, and several clavichords in private hands in Kyiv.”



Luther Museum

Nieuwe Keizersgracht 570
1018 VG Amsterdam
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Liubov Titarenko - Harpsichord & Fortepiano

Meer informatie
22 mei 2022, 16.45
Luther Museum, Amsterdam
